Engineering Innovation: Navigating Change and Embracing Agility in Defense and Aerospace

The Agility of Small Organizations

One of the main benefits of working with a smaller company is accountability. In large organizations, it can take multiple levels of approval to get things done, slowing down the process significantly. In contrast, smaller companies like JAKTOOL can respond quickly and are directly accountable for their deliverables. This agility is crucial in the defense industry, where responsiveness and adaptability are key to success.

The conversation highlighted how smaller engineering companies, by their nature, are more agile and less bureaucratic. As companies grow and acquire other businesses, the layers of approval and the complexity of operations increase, often leading to slower response times. The size of an organization directly impacts its ability to be nimble and efficient.

The drive to make a difference and leverage the unique abilities of a small organization is a powerful motivator – it’s the comparative scale to industry giants that allows for a more dynamic and flexible approach.


Overcoming Obstacles and Adapting to Change at a Smaller Engineering Firm

Change is a constant in this industry, whether it comes from shifts in global dynamics or organizational changes. Effective communication and honesty are essential to navigating these changes successfully.

In the defense realm, the primary goal is to enable and protect the warfighter. As the needs of the warfighter evolve, companies like JAKTOOL must adapt quickly. The flexibility of a smaller firm like ours has been crucial in adjusting to these changes and meeting the needs of customers.


Building Trust and Rapport with Department of Defense Partners

Building trust and rapport with customers is fundamental to success. Our team has hundreds of years of experience, which have taught us the importance of respect and effective communication. Whether it’s challenging a technical drawing or understanding the underlying needs of a project, fostering a respectful and collaborative relationship with customers is key.

Clear communication is essential in understanding the true requirements of a project. Often, technical drawings are just the starting point, and the real success criteria involve deeper discussions about cost, quality, and timelines.


The Role of Innovation and Responsiveness in Defense Engineering Projects

Innovation and responsiveness are critical in the defense industry, especially with the rapidly changing global landscape. The traditional DoD acquisition process, which could take up to seven years from requirement identification to fielding, is evolving. New initiatives aim to streamline development processes and engage contractors more quickly.

The private sector also plays a vital role in driving innovation. Companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Google, known for their disruptive technologies, bring fresh perspectives to the defense industry. This cross-pollination of ideas and technologies can lead to more efficient and effective solutions.


Addressing Supply Chain Challenges for Defense Projects

Supply chain challenges are a significant concern in the defense industry. Smaller suppliers are often unable to keep up with the bureaucratic requirements, leading to a loss of competition and increased costs. JAKTOOL has made internal investments to replace lost supply chains and ensure continuity for our customers.


The Future of Department of Defense Manufacturing

The defense industry is increasingly focused on enduring manufacturing, ensuring that the defense industrial base can meet demand signals before they become critical. This proactive approach requires vision and responsiveness, aligning with JAKTOOL’s commitment to innovation and agility.

The defense landscape has shifted from a singular focus on the Soviet Union to addressing multiple adversaries with diverse requirements. This complexity necessitates a broad portfolio of products and the ability to rapidly develop new solutions.


Lean on a Forward Thinking Partner Like JAKTOOL

The agility and responsiveness of small companies like JAKTOOL are invaluable in the defense industry. By fostering respect, effective communication, and innovative thinking, we can overcome challenges and achieve success. As the industry continues to evolve, our commitment to flexibility and collaboration will remain at the forefront of our approach.

If you’ve been searching for a forward-thinking partner, reach out to discuss your project today.



The JAKTOOL Vision Vault is a space for us to expand on the passions that drive innovation and growth at our company. On this blog, we’ll take deeper dives into industry news and our expertise and highlight the leaders we have under our own roof through featured blogs. Follow along for updates throughout the month and recaps on new episodes of JAKTALK, our biweekly podcast hosted by our founder, COO, chairman, and visionary, Jeff Kinsberg.


In a recent episode of JAKTALK, Jeff Kinsberg, founder of JAKTOOL, discusses the agility and innovation nature of small businesses in the defense industry with guests Chris Gandy, Director of Business Development for Defense and Aerospace, and Justin Russo, Program Manager. They highlight the advantages of small organizations, the importance of effective communication, and the need for flexibility in adapting to changing requirements. The conversation underscores how fostering respect and collaboration can lead to successful outcomes.

This article is a recap of JAKTALK episode #5. You can watch the full episode on Vimeo or on YouTube.